Kalendář akcí
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Jednání ESG
Typ akce: EFR/ESG
Termín: 19.4.2018 13:30 -
19.4.2018 17:00
Autor: Petr Miller
Místo: “Bluepoint Brussels” (EuRIC premises) Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium
- Opening by the ESG Chair Thomas PAPAGEORGIOU
- Anti-trust rules
- Apologies for absence
- Approval of the minutes of previous meeting
- Revision of the ELV Directive
- Öko-Institute study:Assessment of the implementation of Directive 2000/53/EU on end-of-life vehicles (the ELV Directive) with emphasis on the end of life vehicles of unknown whereabouts.
- Shredder residues classification
- State of play of the regulatory framework for waste classification.
- Presentation of the “Commission notice on technical guidance on the classification of waste”.
- Tour de table on current practices across Member States.
- Presentation from AIRA of the main results from chemical analysis of SLF in Italy
- Biotests – Proposal from Hennebert (FR) and response from AT.
- Definition of a strategy / way forward.
- Miscellaneous