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EuRIC ERA Working Group

Typ akce: EFR/ESG
Termín: 4.6.2018 18:00 - 5.6.2018 17:30
Autor: Petr Miller
Místo: Salons Amphi Péreire (Boulevard Péreire 100, 5017 Paris, France)


This meeting will give the opportunity to have thorough discussions about the current EU (and EU related national) regulatory/policy matters and to agree on EuRIC’s future positions.

The circular economy package, interplay between waste and chemicals legislation, waste shipments and related advocacy actions, but not only, will be among the most important issues on the agenda.

The complete agenda  will be released closer to the date in order to capture the latest EU regulatory/policy developments.

Summary of Practical Information

Venue of the EuRIC ERA WG meeting:

Salons Amphi Péreire

Boulevard Péreire 100

5017 Paris, France

Time schedule:

4 June 2018

20.00: welcome dinnerat La Rotonde (Address: 105 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75006 Paris, France).

5 June 2018

09.30 – 17.00: EuRIC ERA WG meeting with a lunch buffet served from 12.30 to 13.30.


Suggested hotels:

Avenue de Wagram 128, 75017 Paris, Tel. +33 1 42 27 77 82

103 bis Avenue de Villiers, 75017 Paris, Tel. +33 1 42 27 55 55

184 Rue de Courcelles, 75017 Paris, Tel.  +33 1 47 63 65 30

You are kindly requested to confirm your participation to this meeting by 22nd May, end of business.




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